​Symposium proposal guidelines​​
1. Please use the template provided below.
2. Symposia should have a minimum of two conveners, who come from different countries.
3. Provide a title and description of the symposium. The description should provide a rationale for its significance, timeliness, and appropriateness for ICVM.
4. Symposia
a. Conveners should develop proposals that have strong scientific value and significant international representation, and diversity of both perspectives and demographics.
b. Specify whether the proposed symposium will comprise (1) regular oral presentations only, or (2) regular oral presentations and lightening talks (2 min) mixed.
c. A symposium can (but doesn’t have to) have a longer “keynote” address of 30 or 45 minutes and a series of shorter 15 minutes talks and/or lightening talks. To allow for program organization, proposals should specify whether the symposium would be a half-session (one 3-hour block) or a full-session (two 3-hour blocks).
d. Symposia should identify speakers who have expressed interest in participating and provide a rough title or topic of their presentation.
e. ISVM is unable to provide funding for symposia to cover registration costs for presenters. The ISVM Scientific Program CommiTee (SPC) will review the proposals. It might offer suggestions or ask for additional information.
Please submit proposals by e-mail to the Chairs of the SPC, Nadia Fröbisch and Celeste
Perez-Ben (Nadia.froebisch@hu-berlin.de) by December 9th, 2024, 5PM CET.
​Template for ICVM 2025 Symposia Proposals​​
1. Specify type:
(1) Regular 15 minutes talks only: 3-hour slot
(2) Regular 15 minutes talks only: 6-hour slot
(3) Regular 15 minutes talks and 2 minutes lightening talks mixed: 3-hour slot
(4) Regular 15 minutes talks and 2 minutes lightening talks mixed: 6-hour slot
2. Identify the conveners/organizers (include names, institutions, and full contact information)
3. Provide a symposium title
4. Provide a short description including scientific context and relevance for ICVM
5. Provide a list of presenters, indicating including their names, institutional affiliations, talk topics/titles, as well as suggested length of talks. Please also indicate the presenters’ commitment to participate (e.g. confirmed or pending).
The total length of the proposal should not exceed 2 pages.
Please submit proposals by e-mail to the Chairs of the SPC, Nadia Fr.bisch and Celeste
Perez-Ben (Nadia.froebisch@hu-berlin.de) by December 9th, 2024, 5PM CET.